
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Poor House, Poor Kids

It always seems to me that people come over when I least expect them to. They come over during the rare time when my house is messy. Today and yesterday is one of those rare occasions that my house is untidy. I did a good bit yesterday, later in the day, and told myself I would finish everything today.  Yep, not. I decided to check the job market out on a local website and I have been stuck applying for jobs that I am qualified for ALL DAY.

The boys have been wrestling all day and what starts off as fun and games, turns serious once one bites or hits the other.
Their fun and games turned on me at one point. I was on the couch on my lap top filling out applications. Somehow those little munchkins pushed the computer chair up behind the couch climbed on it and was going "over the wall" to attack me. I love you guys too. 
google images

This morning after breakfast we watched  The Polar Express. I recorded it on the DVR last night. It came on at 9pm, way after Liam and Blake's bed time. What would a Christmas movie be without a festive snack and drink? 

Yummy golden delicious apples and green milk in a Christmas snowman cup with a Santa straw! Cheap stuff at Walmart always makes me happy. Which is where we got the cups from. 98 cents for a pack of 4. The straws were from my parents last year. Somehow I saved this one. We need to get another one for Liam.

Needless to say I am logging off now to clean dishes, start dinner, and straighten up before hubs gets home. I guess Mt. Laundry on the love seat will get done after the boys go to bed because they need some lovins.

Tonight I am making My Salmon Patties . I'll make them a bit different tonight since I do not have green onions. Seriously can't find them anywhere! :( WAHHH! 

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