
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Breakfast is for Champions!

I know that it has been said, time and time again, that breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day. I am here to tell you, I am not a breakfast person. Well, I'm not a healthy breakfast person. It isn't that I don't like pancakes, french toast, muffins, or waffles. It is just, that I don't like them all the time. I am totally a meat and potatoes type of girl, which makes a quick and easy breakfast for me hard and again, pretty high in calories. Typically I'll eat a piece of toast, fruit, or protein meal bar. However, when everyone's schedules allow us to be home at the same time all day I like to make a big breakfast! :)

I feel like it makes family time and lazy days off, more special. However, I am not one of those moms to make breakfast right after waking up. I need like 2 or so hours before I get fully motivated to do anything like that. So I stick with simple solutions for the boys, freeze ahead waffles, pancakes, cereal ect., things that are easy to do in the morning. Seriously, not a morning person.

Some days though, I am! <3
I'm so sweet.


My (pretty much) failed attempt at egg in a hole.

My cute breakfast. :)

Anytime I actually cook a breakfast I feel like I just accomplished a whole lot!

In other news, I weighed myself this morning, 140.8. I was sure I'd be like 145ish after the horrible week I have had with eating. I'm not entirely sure how many calories are in a pumpkin spiced cappuccino that are available in most gas stations, but I've consumed several this week.I am sure to consume even more this coming week. I have so much going on.

My mom took Liam today for the week to have her one on one time with him. So now, we get our one on one time with Blake. At some point this week I think we may take him to a movie, or perhaps take him to Chuckie Cheeses for the first time.

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