
Monday, June 3, 2013

I miss my kids and I just feel like talking/typing. :)

I am aware that I have been posting like crazy today. I don't have my kids, my husband is working, so I'm BORED. I miss my boys. I didn't think that when they went to visit my mom for a week or two I would miss them too much, or as much as I usually do, because they've both been driving my bonkers lately. Liam and his strong willed demeanor and potty training. Blake and his anger, and not listening. It has been about a week today I think, we will be getting them back on Friday because my little brother graduates! Travis and I have to drive upstate for that, so we will bring the boys back home with us when we leave.

Like I said, in not so many words, this break is much needed. I think it is important for people, but especially moms, to have breaks to just reevaluate, readjust, and feel rejuvenated. I feel like I can tackle my children's problems now when they come home with patience and calmness. I can tackle the potty training. I can tackle these outburst of anger and not listening. I can. I thank god for my mom and my memaw (whom lives with my mom), for being available when I need them. Even if they live roughly two hours away they still try to help with the boys when they can. The distance is another big reason why my mom usually gets them for a week at a time. It is just easier that way.

It is not only that I needed a little mom vacay/break but it is so important to my relationship with my husband as well. It has been amazing being able to spend time with my husband even if its doing a normal routine, like dinner. Dinner is so much easier just us. First, I don't have to cook anything huge, or really consider the kid's taste buds (Helllloooo Buffalo Chicken and Spicy Pizza), I don't have to fight with them to eat their food or drink their milk, and I can eat in front of the TV on the couch in the den. Okay, that last part isn't a big deal, its just nice. It is just nice being able to reconnect and spend time with someone you're committed to and love.

I thought that perhaps my mom would be bringing Blake home today, early, because she has a lot going on this week and he has been rather naughty. But it turns out, with a nice little talk from his Grammy and memaw he's going to try to be a good boy because he doesn't want to come home early, or at all. Haha He loves it at my moms house.

I was kind of looking forward to some alone time with Blake but its okay, more alone time with my hubs. MORE time to get that to-do list I have done. As well as my project list. I just need to pull out my sewing machine and get some work done.

Positive outlooks!

I just need some yarn, fabric, and a food processor. Yes!!! :) I'll be back tomorrow with a LEG WORKOUT, and probably a recipe.

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