
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Baby Chicks, Baby Geese, and a Big Fat Bunny!

First things first, Thursday night one of our good friends gave us a huge bunny for free that came with food, treats, and hay. I think I forgot to mention that we don;t have our other bunnies anymore. Our girl (Lola) somehow didn't get enough food, I'm thinking Bugs (the boy) just gobbled it all up before she could get her share. It was sad, I felt so bad that I didn't notice, but I couldn't tell without picking her up and in the habitat Travis built attached behind the shed it is just too tall for me to reach all the way in and pick them up. We need to get a bigger stool this time around. Bugs became an escape artist, and somehow he used his water bottle and jumped up on top of the habitat then jumped all the way off, and somehow did not break his neck or legs when hitting the ground. So he's a free wild bunny now. I'm not sure Wyatt will give us too much trouble, first of all he is HUGE and fat. lol He hardly moves around even when I let him out of the little baby gated area I am keeping him in, in my den, he does about one lap then finds a place to plop down.
Wyatt. He's so cute, but he won't cuddle with me.
That brings me to why we don't have Wyatt in the bunny habitat outside. Friday morning Travis and his Papa picked up some baby chicks for free from a guy Papa (Travis's grandpa) knows. So we have them in there until Travis finishes the chicken coop, today hopefully. I think its about 10-14 it is hard to count them when they are in a dog pile on top of each other. We've been working on the chicken coop for awhile now but Travis hadn't put the roof and door on yet. I can't wait to share pictures of it when it is done because it is SUPER cute! But he won't let me take pictures until it is completely done. Perfectionist! Haha.

Not only did we get some baby chicks yesterday but 3 baby geese, who were in Travis's Papa's pond and their mom died. We ran a few errands yesterday (got my new iPhone yay). When we came back Papa had put the babies in with the chicks. At first, last night we were worried because Travis said he thought they might not get along with the chicks and the chicks might be bullying them. When I checked on them this morning all the babies were in a huge pile together. (Things that make you D'awwwww.) Baby geese are  my favorite right now, I just want to go roll around in the yard and play with them all day today, but I'm writing this while eating breakfast and then I have some serious cleaning to do in my house.

I'll post a recipe later if I get a change to come back on- homemade fajita seasoning, fajitas, and then a fajita salad the next day for lunch. You can't beat all the awesome that is coming in my next post. :) 

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