
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas and New Years.

I have been so extremely busy with back and forth during the holidays to one family and the next. Right after Christmas and up until New Years Eve I went through all of the old toys, organized the boy’s rooms, their dressers, the closets, and just everything possible in their rooms. I made it to where their toy bins can go in to their closets and out of the way. They have pretty small rooms so this helps.
It was pretty necessary after all the Christmas gifts we received that I needed to de-clutter and get rid of some things. The boys got everything they wanted for Christmas and more. The main thing Blake has been asking for is a Spider-man Web Blaster; he got two different types from different family members. Travis’s dad and step mom got him one that shot out silly string, or water. My dad and step mom got Blake one that came with a mask and just has a button to push that makes a fake web shoot out a little bit.  Plus, sooooo many other toys! Liam obviously couldn’t really tell us what he wanted. But I think Travis and I succeeded in every gift we gave him. He needed a new buzz light-year action figure and that has been then thing he plays with the most now, and the slinky dog also from Toy Story. I was so excited for them. They also each got their own Jeep Wrangler power wheels. Unfortunately the weather has been wet, crappy, cold, or we’ve been busy, so they haven’t had the opportunity to go out and ride them really good yet. Plus, we need to figure out how to vamp up the speed on them. They do not go as fast as they want and need.

I had a REALLY amazing Christmas. I was happy that I was able to get Travis something this year, no matter how small. I thought that maybe I wouldn’t but I did..and it rocked! J I think I love gift giving more than getting. Wait, no…I love gift getting as well. I got things I have been REALLY wanting. First of course, Travis gave me a trip to see West Side Story live which was really cool. I got a certificate to a spa to get my hair cut, colored, and a pedi. I got a Singer sewing machine with accessories. A cake stand with a dome top, it’s one of the anchor ones that can be turned upside down and used as a punch bowl also. I got two waffle makers one Belgian, and one waffle sticks maker! Along those the same lines as a waffle maker I got a cake pop and doughnut hole makers. Just fun, FUN stuff! J I’m so excited. I haven’t had the chance to use most of my stuff yet. I did use the doughnut hole maker, and then placed them in my cake stand. I’ll have to whip out my sewing machine on a day I have NOTHING to do (besides take care of kids and cook). 

So expect to see some awesome stuff in 2013!

Speaking of 2013 and the new year. My new year resolution is still the same as last year, LOSE weight. But this time it is to lose the REST of my weight and tone. Basically I want to start eating cleaner and working out more. This will be made possible by the treadmill I got from my step mom. She got it from her mom, but I don’t think she used it as much as she thought she would. So she gave it to me! My goal is to become a runner as well. I use to LOVE TO RUN. In high school I got down to 115 lbs and it was mainly because I ran 2 miles almost every other day, sometimes every day. I don’t think it would be healthy if I got down to 115 lbs but I would LOVE to be 125lbs.  I’m sure last year I had OTHER New Years Resolutions that I didn’t keep but overall, I still feel like 2012 was a great year compared to 2011. 2011 was the year I spent without Travis living with my parents. I think I kind of checked out and became pretty sad. I just wasn’t the person I could be or the mom I wanted to be. I feel like I became a much better mom in 2012 for several reasons but mainly because we were able to get in to our own house once Travis came home at the beginning of 2012 and decided not to re-enlist. 

Good things in 2012:
We got our house and land/early inheritance. Remodeled it!
Our Dog
Our Cat
Lost 40 lbs
I watched my boys grow up while being a sahm.
I graduated college with my Associate’s degree.

Basic Goals for 2013:
Get a job!
Buy a new car!
Start a Savings account!
Learn to sew!
Lose the rest of my weight!
Tone my body!
Eat healthy/clean and make it a lifestyle. 

I just want to look good naked. And, I mean, really, who doesn't?

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