
Monday, July 2, 2012

On the Band Wagon Again.

I admit it has been a long time since I have posted something new in my blog. Let me explain my crazy life.

We were fairly busy remodeling our new house, moving in, and unpacking. Adjusting has been a wee difficult but not much. I am so happy we have our own house again and a nice big open yard. We have adopted 2 new furbabies!
This is our new kitty. I'll have to post a picture later of our new pup.

School has been crazy I just finished my first clinical rotation and medical coding and billing really kicked my butt. During my little week off I have been trying to get myself adjusted to dieting again and exercising.  I really only worked out twice last week because I busted my butt unpacking and cleaning my house really good. I unpacked little by little but since I was still in the middle of school it was hard to devote so much time to organizing stuff.

My den was the worst since we still had boxes, leftover flooring, tools, and a spare entertainment center just hanging around. So one day I completely cleaned and organized the den carrying heavy boxes outisde. Our room has been fairly clean but the closet still had a few boxes of clothes to go through so I did that and took stuff out the closet, I have one of those plastic bin drawers for storage I completely organized that I turned it in to a place to keep my socks and under garmets! Rather proud of myself!:)

As I said last week I am really trying to get back on the losing weight band wagon. I lost 3.1 pounds!!!!  That was after having a really bad Saturday of eating. But for the most part I did a lot last week and ate rather well.

Here are somethings I whipped up last week:
Cheesy Oven Fried Green Tomatoes
So yumms!

 Some pasta sauce!

Open faced tuna melt with cucumbers sprinkled with malt vinegar and sea salt.

Travis's mom took the boys and I to their very first movie. We went and saw the movie Brave. So very very cute. I was so worried that Liam would act up but he did great. He got squirmy at the end but mostly because he was tired. Blake did really good, he just needs to grasp the concept of whispering. lol

I took my big camera and everything but I didn't want to whip it out since the theater was a bit crouded. I wasn't expeting it to be.

As I mentioned we have a nice big yard. I have failed to grow herbs as of late but I am not giving up in that aspect. However, I did managed to grow some Cosmos. And they are just  now starting to bloom. I'm so proud, because growing stuff from seeds is kind of hard. lol

That is about all I have to update on today! :)

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